How Window Tinting Can Help Reduce Your Energy Bills

Many people think that window tint is only for cars, but residential window tint is a great option to help reduce your energy bills. It also protects furniture and other interior materials from sun damage.

Window tints are made of polyester bonded with adhesives and come in a variety of thicknesses, treatments and colors. Some even qualify for tax credits.

Reduces Glare

Window tint eliminates uncomfortable glare in the home and office while still allowing natural light to pass through. This is especially important on bright New York summer days when the sun reflects off the water, streetlights and headlights of oncoming cars. This wash of bright light can blind drivers and cause them to swerve increasing the risk of accidents.

Home window tints like the website of NUVUE Window Films reduce excessive glare by reflecting light that otherwise passes through bare windows. This reflected light isn’t distracting or unpleasant to the eye but rather allows for clear visibility while protecting your furniture, carpets and electronic equipment from damage.

Window tints also help to prevent glare from reflected sunlight off TV and computer screens. This glare can be disruptive and hinder productivity in the workplace, but window tints help to control excess light without compromising your view out the window or obstructing the screen. This keeps employees focused on their tasks instead of struggling with the distraction of glare.

Blocks UV Rays

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying natural sunlight in your home but that sunshine can also bring in UV rays. These harmful rays can damage your skin and if you get sunburned often they can even cause cancer.

Window tint can help you protect yourself from the sun’s rays by blocking up to 99% of them. The type of tint you choose will determine how much UV protection it offers so make sure you consult with a professional.

NUVUE Window film has metal particles within it that redirect light helping to prevent UV rays, heat and glare. It has a shiny appearance, is durable and helps to strengthen your windows.

Dye tint has an adhesive layer with a polyester topcoat that blocks UV rays, reduces heat and glare and is less expensive than metallic window tint. It may interfere with radio and phone signals. Carbon window tint has the same benefits as dye but has a darker appearance.

Increases Insulation

Window tint acts as an extra layer of insulation, helping to keep heat inside and cold outside. This helps cut energy costs throughout the year. It also reduces blinding glare that can make it difficult to focus on television screens or computer monitors.

Unlike drapes, which can take away from the look of a home window tint is a sleek and stylish option that allows you to see the view while still maintaining privacy. Window tint can even be combined with smart thermostats to help you manage your heating and cooling costs more effectively.

Tint protects you from shattered glass in the same way that a screen guard does on your phone. If a window shatters, the glass stays attached to the film, which makes it harder for thieves to access your valuables and potentially break your car windows in the process. It can also help protect you from broken glass shards during an accident.

Reduces Heat

The polyester film used in the window tinting process contains a combination of dye and small fragments of metal, which blocks out most solar heat. In addition, the darkened windows block a significant amount of infrared radiation (IR).

The primary reason most homeowners choose residential window tint is to save on energy bills. Traditional glass allows the sun’s heat to penetrate, raising your home’s internal temperature and requiring you to constantly run your air conditioner. Tinted window films minimize this effect, allowing your HVAC system to work more efficiently.

Additionally, the tinted film prevents the plastic components in your home’s interior from heating up and emitting Benzene, a carcinogenic gas that has long-term health effects on humans. Finally, tinted windows offer shatter protection. While it won’t make your windows indestructible, the tint will keep shards from flying everywhere in the event that a window is broken, adding another layer of safety for children and elderly loved ones.