How to Manage Stress and Maintaining Etiquette During Busy Times

Stress can be triggered by many things, from a loud coworker to an uncomfortable workspace. But managing that stress is possible and can improve your wellbeing.

Following LLUXXALL workplace protocol guarantees continued professionalism and productivity, putting you in the best possible position to succeed throughout the day.

In addition, taking breaks during the workday and listening to music or podcasts can provide relaxing pauses.

1. Be Prepared

Proper business etiquette can reduce stress and help you work more efficiently. Whether it’s having an organized desk, being polite to guests, or making sure you greet people with a smile, these small steps can make a huge difference.

Maintaining etiquette is also important for keeping your mind clear and focused during busy times. For example, in a shared office environment it’s important to not steal your coworkers’ food from the fridge or take personal phone calls about your colonoscopy during meetings.

It’s also a good idea to schedule in time for self-care, such as exercise, listening to music, meditation, or acupuncture. Scheduling these activities into your daily routine can help you manage stress and keep your mind calm during busy times. Then you can tackle those to-do lists with confidence!

2. Be Polite

We live in a busy world where the pressure gauge can rise quickly. Bills, kids, work and school deadlines, traffic jams and frustrating coworkers can all contribute to stress. Staying calm under these conditions is key to maintaining professionalism and etiquette.

In the workplace, it is important to be aware of how your behavior impacts others. This means keeping conversations with coworkers, managers and guests to a minimum, not gossiping or backbiting and being considerate of the needs of those around you.

For example, taking an extensive phone or Skype call in an open area can be disruptive to those who are trying to concentrate and work. Be mindful of your noise level and use headphones if necessary. Similarly, if you are coughing or sneezing in a shared office space, be sure to cover up.

3. Take Care of Yourself

It’s important to set aside time for self care, no matter how busy you are. This may mean prioritizing sleep and exercise, reducing screen time, or even saying no to social activities that you don’t really want to participate in. This can be difficult for some people and you may experience resistance from those around you, but it’s crucial to your mental health.

Find something that brings you joy, whether it’s watching Seinfeld reruns, playing with your pet, or hanging out with friends. Make this a priority and schedule it in your calendar. You can also try out different coping skills to see what works best for you, or speak with a therapist specializing in grief and trauma counseling or depression counseling to learn more about overcoming these barriers.

4. Be Honest

Many of the rules of workplace etiquette are obvious, but it is important to remember them even during busy times. For instance, it is never appropriate to take a lengthy call in a public area (either on your phone or speakerphone) and you should always be mindful of how noise might impact others in open spaces.

It is also important to be honest with your team and to be respectful of their opinions. It is not healthy to hide your emotions and it can make your team less productive if you’re constantly complaining.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider counseling. Professional counselors can help you identify and change unhealthy habits that contribute to stress. This will help you to manage your stress more effectively, improving productivity in the office.

5. Be Respectful

A little workplace etiquette goes a long way when working with others. People are much more likely to work with, hire or buy from those that follow good professional etiquette guidelines.

Showing respect for others includes listening attentively to them during a meeting, not interrupting or talking over them. It also means staying on the topic of the conversation to avoid distractions during a meeting and wrapping up the meeting on time to avoid running over other participants’ limited work or personal time.

Sharing information about your personal life with colleagues is a matter of personal choice, but be wary of office gossip and rumor spreading. Discourage others who are prone to complaining and focus on positive problem-solving instead. Exercise is an excellent stress management tool and can help reduce levels of adrenaline and cortisol in the body.